Rawfood Retreat Location

Tögel Art Retreat Center in Häverödal, a serene place on the side of one small river in beautiful nature.

Easily accessed with public transportation by a direct bus from Stockholm using SL card.

Address: Kilvägen 5 (Hallstavik)

Nearest bus stop: Häverödals Hotell (Norrtälje)

If you are coming by car; use the GPS with the address Kilvägen 5 (Hallstavik) to give you the directions.

If you are coming by bus; use the website sl.se with the destination Häverödals Hotell (Norrtälje). Once you are at the bus stop Häverödals Hotell, check on your GBS for the address Kilvägen 5. It takes few minutes walk from the bus stop.
The easiest way for coming by bus from Stockholm is to take the bus number 639 that goes directly from Tekniska högskolan or from Danderyd sjukhus all the way to Häverödals hotell (Norrtälje). SL card works for the bus.

If you have difficulty finding the place you can call Shantimaya on 0723330630.

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