Welcome to this three days residential retreat, where you will experience the raw food lifestyle and enjoy the health benefits of eating fresh food, and where you will learn how to prepare many raw food dishes by yourself, including cheese, yoghurt, butter, bread, sauces, desserts, chocolate and more.
Content of the retreat:
– Nutrition: You will learn ow to use raw food diet, vitamins and minerals to boost your health.
– Meal planning: You will learn how to plan your meals ahead so that you can spend minimum time in the kitchen on your busy days.
– Sprouting workshop: You will learn how to sprout seeds, beans and grains to obtain maximum nutrition and how to use them in creating many dishes.
– Butter workshop: You will learn how to make your own raw vegan butter free from trans fat and rich in omega 3 essential fat.
– Milk workshop: You will learn how to make your own plant based milk.
– Yoghurt workshop: You will learn how to ferment and make your own plant based yoghurt.
– Cheese workshop: Raw vegan cheese fermentation and aging workshop.
– Sauces workshop: You will learn how to create many different sauces, dips and spread that can be added to any dish, enriching their taste and making them more special.
– Salads workshop: You will receive many ideas and recipes to spice up your greens and make them more enjoyable.
– Main dishes workshop: You will learn how to prepare more sophisticated raw food dishes but yet with simple recipes.
– Granola & chia pudding workshop: You will learn how to make your own raw granola and nourishing chia puddings.
– Crackers & bread workshop: You will learn how to prepare gluten free crackers and bread in raw form.
– Pastry workshop: You will learn how to make basic raw dough that can be used for making pastry whether for gourmet use ( like pies, pirogues, pizza, etc) or for desserts (like cinnamon rolls, cookies, semla, etc)
– Smoothie workshop: Different ways and ideas to make your own smoothie either as a meal replacement or as an addition to your food or for detox.
– Desserts workshop: You will learn how to make healthy sugar-free and gluten free raw vegan desserts in the form of pie, boll, bar, pudding and ice cream and even pastry like cinnamon rolls.
– Chocolate workshop: You will learn how to make your own chocolate as healthy as you wish and as many flavors as you could imagine.
Certificate of attendance will be received at the end of the retreat.
All workshops are guided by Shantimaya; founder of Bliss Cafe; Stockholm’s first raw vegan cafe and author to the books: Fully Rawsome and Kitchen of Love.
Friday – Sunday 28-30 October 2024
Arrival Friday between 16.00 and 17.00
Departure Sunday between 15.00 and 16.00
Tögel Art Retreat Center in Häverödal, a serene place on the side of one small river in beautiful nature. (For transportation you can take a direct bus from Stockholm using SL card). To see map and direction click here
3900 kr, all included (accommodation, food, workshop fees and certificate)
Click here to buy your ticket
To learn about what to bring and how to prepare and other things you need to know before joining the rawfood retreat click here
Rawfood Retreat Schedule: (Subject to change)
16.00-17.00 Arrival and settling in
17.00-17.30 Opening circle
17.30-18.30 Sauces workshop
18.30-20.00 Salads & main dishes workshop 1
20.00-20.30 Desserts workshop 1
20.30-22.00 Conscious movie night
22.30 Good night silence
07.15-08.15 Yoga & meditation
08.30-09.00 Smoothie workshop 1
09.00-10.00 Granola & Chia pudding workshop
10.00-11.15 Free time
11.15-12.15 Sprouting workshop (Sprouting & sprout dishes)
12.15-13.30 Crackers & bread workshop
13.30-15.30 Free time (nature time, reading, rest, etc)
15.30-16.30 Yoga & meditation
17.00-18.00 Butter, milk, yoghurt & cheese workshops
18.00-20.00 Salads & main dishes workshop 2
20.00-20.30 Desserts workshop 2
20.30-22.00 Badtunna
22.30 Good night silence
07.15-08.15 Yoga & meditation
08.30-09.00 Smoothie workshop 2
09.00-10.00 Pastry workshop
10.00-11.00 Free time (shower, reading, nature walk and packing)
11.00-12.00 Chocolate workshop
12.00-13.30 Salads & main dishes workshop 3
13.30-14.00 Cleaning and preparing for departure
14.00-15.00 Closing circle and certificate distribution
15.00-16.00 Departure.
Visit our other website Fully Rawsome